The weather has finally turned a corner, it is nice to see the sun and to feel its warmth on my skin again. Seeing how I still have not found a job I could technically bask in the sunshine all day everyday. Take that all you workers out there/mothers! It is cool to not have a job, but remember it is even more cool to live in your Mother's Basement.
At times it seems difficult to not have the security of a job, money, or any idea of what the future might bring. It causes my soul to be a bit antsy each day. The exciting thing about it I guess is that tomorrow might bring a new adventure or maybe the next day. I am not necessarily stuck in the same job day after day with no end in sight. I will get there some day though and I will like it! My position in life is most likely different from yours, but it may be the same. Everyone goes through different phases in life, that is life and it is great. I am not sure how long this phase will last but it is moving along nicely. I will enjoy it until life changes again as it seems to always do, especially when you allow it too.
When I decided to move back to Layton, all be it into my mother's basement, I did it because it felt right even though I knew that I may not find a job quickly. Even at this point I do not regret my decision. I have been presented with new challenges, new friends, and strengthened relationships with friends and family. At this time in my life, being here is where I will grow the most and become more of the person that I am meant to be. I am guessing by this time next year that I will be ready to take over for Tyrone Corbin as the new coach of the Utah Jazz. Just sayin! Don't laugh it will happen!
For those wondering what I have been doing with my life for the past two weeks, I will tell you. I have been exercising when I can, practicing the piano, searching for jobs, attending church functions, taking daily naps, eating anything and everything that I can find, visiting family and friends, texting once or twice a week in response to somebody's text messages, reading, and watching So You Think You Can Dance. I don't know if you all have seen this show, but I like it. The girls are very good looking but that is not the reason I like the show, well it is but it isn't. I like the show because it is entertaining, the dancing is actually good(unlike another dancing show on TV) and the way those dancers move is ridiculous. I try to convince myself that it is similar to watching a sport on TV. For one thing it is a competition and for another it takes a lot of physical skill to dance as they do and you never know what the outcome of the competition is going to be until it happens.
This weekend I went up to Logan and visited some friends before going to Downata Hot Springs with some more friends and then with friends to a friend's cabin. I like the word friends, it makes me feel good inside. Downata Hot Springs, if you do not know what this place is you should, it is a hot spring swimming pool with water slides and a camping resort located somewhere out in the boonies near Malad Idaho. The place is literally an oasis in a farmers field. The water is always warm so any season you can go and swim. I have been there in the summer and I have been there in the winter. I usually do a tummy performance when I go to the pool but I forgot this time. Sorry Jalayne and Cha Cha.
To give you an update on my exercising, I am still exercising but it is starting to get boring. That is what I have decided. I will keep trudging along though because it is good for me. I will throw in some activities such as hiking here and there. In fact, last week I was going to hike for a little ways and then find a spot to read my book, but as I was going I could not stop and so I just kept hiking to the top, I had FGS (Forrest Gump Syndrome). I hiked Adams Canyon and enjoyed it, I took pictures along the way of nature and my face and I saw a snake and some squirrels. I tried to take their pictures but they would not cooperate.
My mother has been nice to me lately, she does not bug me about being a bum as she should. I have found that the key is that if I am continually doing something she does not bother me but if I am just sitting and thinking she thinks I am bored. The thing is that I am always bored it is just that there are different levels of boredom. Sometimes I reach the state of staring at the wall boredom. I see nothing wrong with that. Well, I did before but not now, I think of it as intense pondering. So on a final note, if someone asks you what you are thinking as they will inevitably do, respond by saying "I am intensely pondering... your beauty, my basketball shot, dinner I just ate" whatever it is they will take your response more seriously. So don't shy away from that, just take it straight on.
Have fun friends and Choose the Right because then you will be happy!
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